Custom stainless steel table with brushed finish.
Custom brass mullions for windows.
Steel support beams welded and fabricated to spec for a custom batting cage.
Final build of the batting cage. Via VVOX.
Inside the batting cage.
Custom chair, tig welded steel.
Custom steel table awaiting it's top.
Detail of a coffee table base.
Stainless steel globe sculpture I worked on with an architectural metal fabrication firm in 2014.
Precision machined steel parts.
tubing and brackets welded to 1/2" plate steel for a support beam.
custom brackets, tig welded steel.
Custom water faucet, tig welded steel.

Custom steel framed desk. Tig welded steel and patina.
Custom kinetic couch/bed. Welded aluminum and mechanical assembly for an installation promoting cell phone technology.

Kinetic couch/bed in action.
Fabricating the steel bases for a ceiling mounted kinetic sculpture.
The ceiling mounted sculpture with kinetic panels.
Rendering of ceiling mounted kinetic sculpture.

Kinetic sculpture in action.
Custom light up reception desk. Assembled and installed with a team.
Wall feature: wood mounted on drywall.

Big amenity space build out. Worked on building this with an architecture firm.

Big amenity space build out. Worked on building this with an architecture firm.

Big amenity space build out. Worked on building this with an architecture firm.

Big amenity space build out. Worked on building this with an architecture firm.